New Year’s Resolution for Healthy Feet

Healthy Feet: The Feet's Love Hormone: How Oxytocin Connects to Foot Health As a podiatrist, I'm always looking for new connections between the feet and overall health. One area that has caught my attention is the role of the "love hormone" oxytocin and its impact on foot wellness. A new study from researchers in China looked at the effects of human-administered foot massages versus machine massages on oxytocin levels and brain activity. The results were striking - human massages increased oxytocin by 51.8%, compared to just 18.2% for machine massages. The human touch also triggered more activity in brain regions associated with reward and decision-making.

If taking better care of your health is one of your New Year’s resolutions, start from the bottom up. We often don’t think of our foot health until there’s a problem with our feet. This year, promise yourself you’ll take better care of your entire body. Here are a few simple healthy foot habits to […]