Diabetic Foot Ulcers: The Crippling Cost of Infected DFU’s: A Silent Threat to Quality of Life

diabetic foot ulcers treatment

Diabetic Foot Ulcers Lets discuss diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, and its complications can significantly impact a person’s life. A major complication is a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). This carries a heavy burden for both patients and our entire healthcare systems. When these ulcers become infected, the consequences become […]

Charcot Foot: Understanding and Treating This Serious Diabetic Complication

charcot foot diabetic complication

If you have diabetes, you’ve likely heard about the importance of foot care. But have you heard of Charcot foot? This potentially devastating complication of diabetes can lead to severe deformities and even amputation if left untreated. At WeTreatFeet Podiatry, we’re experts in diagnosing and managing Charcot foot, helping patients maintain their mobility and quality […]

The Hidden Hurt: Unveiling the Mystery of Freiberg’s Infraction

freibergs infraction avn of the second metatarsal head

Never heard of Freiberg’s Infraction! Read on… Foot pain can be a frustrating experience, especially when the cause isn’t readily apparent. Today, we’re venturing into the realm of lesser-known foot conditions with Freiberg’s infraction, a disorder that can cause significant discomfort in young athletes. This blog post will shed light on Freiberg’s infraction, exploring its […]

Growing Pains in Your Feet? Understanding Iselin’s Disease

iselin's disease pediatric foot condition diagnosis

Iselin’s disease a type of childhood foot pain For active children and teenagers, foot pain can be a common occurrence. While growing pains are a familiar culprit, sometimes the cause might be a lesser-known condition called Iselin’s disease. Today, we’ll delve into this specific type of foot pain, exploring its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, […]

Understanding Athlete’s Foot: Why it Affects the Feet More Than the Hands

athlete's foot fungal infection

In the realm of common fungal infections, athlete’s foot stands as a prevalent condition that often afflicts individuals, leading to discomfort and annoyance. Yet, a curious aspect persists: why does this fungal infection predominantly target the feet, sparing the hands of athletes and non-athletes alike? Exploring the underlying reasons behind this discrepancy unveils a blend […]

The Mystery of the Stiff Ankle: Unveiling Talocalcaneal Coalition

black under amour sneakers

Ankle pain is a common complaint, but sometimes the culprit behind the discomfort can be a hidden one. Today, we’re venturing into the realm of lesser-known foot and ankle conditions with talocalcaneal coalition (TCC). This blog post will delve into the intricacies of TCC, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and most importantly, the expert treatment […]