We Treat Feet in the Community: Partnering with Health Care for the Homeless

We Treat Feet has recently partnered with Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), an organization dedicated to providing health-related services, education, and advocacy to reduce the incidence and burdens of homelessness.

Established in Baltimore in 1985, HCH has grown to become a nationally recognized model for the delivery of care to underserved populations.

HCH is Maryland’s leading provider of comprehensive health-related services – pediatric, adult, and geriatric medical care, mental health services, social work and case management, addiction treatment, dental care, podiatric care, and HIV services – for adults and children experiencing homelessness. HCH ensures similar services statewide through grants and technical assistance to partner agencies in the City of Frederick and Montgomery, Harford, and Baltimore Counties.

With strong public and private support, HCH is guided by a vision of a future without homelessness in which all Marylanders have access to comprehensive health care, affordable housing, and livable incomes.

We at We Treat Feet would like to encourage you to make an Online Gift. And even if you can’t give a lot, remember, every little bit helps. If you have any questions about We Treat Feet’s involvement with HCH or if you wish to schedule an appointment with one of our podiatric specialists, please contact We Treat Feet Podiatry in Maryland by visiting our website or click here to view our various locations and phone numbers!

If you have any other questions or wish to schedule an appointment, contact We Treat Feet Podiatry by clicking here to view our various locations and phone numbers!

We Treat Feet! That’s what we do. From the simplest nail problems, to the most complex foot deformities, we provide exceptional care in a kind and compassionate manner. We offer board certified physicians that have spent years learning the intricate structures and functions of the human foot and ankle. No knees or elbows here, only the best foot and ankle care available in Maryland.

From heel pain, bunions, Sports medicine injuries, broken bones, neuromas, hammertoes, and flatfeet to Achilles tendon problems, we have the most modern technology available to help you, including digital x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, and vascular testing equipment.

Our physician team offers treatments for people of all ages, from infants to seniors. No foot is too big, no problem is too big, because remember, We Treat Feet!

You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

Experiencing Foot or Ankle Pain?

We’re here to help! Contact our friendly staff and connect with our expert doctors

We treat feet podiatry has been proud to serve the Maryland area’s Foot & Ankle needs for over 15 years! From bunions to twisted ankles to diabetic wound care and everything in between.

Our experienced team is dedicated to get you back on feet again!