When is it time to see a podiatrist

When is it time to see a podiatrist?

Seventy-five percent of us will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in our lives.  Even Socrates knew how much feet could hurt.  He once said, “When your feet hurt, you hurt all over,” an expression later used as a slogan by the Dr. Scholl’s Company.

Despite the fact that so many people experience foot pain, only a fraction of people with foot pain seek medical treatment.  The reason?  Many people have the erroneous notion that their feet are supposed to hurt. Guess what? They are wrong.

While your feet endure a lot of abuse over a lifetime, constant foot pain is still not something you need to live with. And if rest, ice, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) or a change in shoes does not seem to do the trick, it is probably time to see your podiatrist.

However, foot pain is just one reason in which to schedule an appointment. Other problems that should be addressed by a medical professional include:

  • A wound that does not heal: If you have an open sore on your foot or ankle, you need to see a podiatrist. The longer that sore remains untreated, the greater your risk of contracting a skin or bone infection.
  • Discoloration:If one foot looks or feels different than the other, there may be a problem.
    • Redness may be an indication of an infection or gout.
    • Blue or purple color may indicate a vein problem.
    • Whiteness or paleness (pallor) may be a sign of decreased blood flow.
  • Numbness, Burning or Tingling: All three of these can be signs of neuropathy, which can lead to decreased sensation in your foot. Neuropathy puts you at a increased risk for developing foot ulcers.
  • Deformity: In the event of any sudden deformity, schedule an appointment with your podiatrist ASAP.
  • The arch of one foot flattens: If you notice that one foot seems flatter than the other, this could be a sign of tendon dysfunction or rupture. If not dealt with properly, this could lead to arthritis.
  • A mole with a peculiar shape or color: If a mole on your foot changes shape, gets bigger, bleeds, or changes color, see your podiatrist. This change could be due to melanoma.
  • A bump that grows or hurts: Have a podiatrist look at any lump that continues to get bigger or hurts. While this may be a simple cyst, it could be a much more serious condition, like a tumor.

So take care of your feet and don’t let small inconveniences turn into major medical problems.

If you have any other questions or wish to schedule an appointment, contact We Treat Feet Podiatry by clicking here to view our various locations and phone numbers!

We Treat Feet! That’s what we do. From the simplest nail problems, to the most complex foot deformities, we provide exceptional care in a kind and compassionate manner. We offer board certified physicians that have spent years learning the intricate structures and functions of the human foot and ankle. No knees or elbows here, only the best foot and ankle care available in Maryland.

From heel pain, bunions, Sports medicine injuries, broken bones, neuromas, hammertoes, and flatfeet to Achilles tendon problems, we have the most modern technology available to help you, including digital x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, and vascular testing equipment.

Our physician team offers treatments for people of all ages, from infants to seniors. No foot is too big, no problem is too big, because remember, We Treat Feet!

You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

Experiencing Foot or Ankle Pain?

We’re here to help! Contact our friendly staff and connect with our expert doctors

We treat feet podiatry has been proud to serve the Maryland area’s Foot & Ankle needs for over 15 years! From bunions to twisted ankles to diabetic wound care and everything in between.

Our experienced team is dedicated to get you back on feet again!