ankle problems

You already know that WeTreatFeet, but did you know we treat ankles?

WeTreatAnkles at WeTreatFeet Podiatry!

Fun ankle facts, did you know?

  1. It is also called the talocrural joint.
  2. It is a Ginglymus joint.
  3. Most ankle problems are located in the mortise.
  4. The ankle is one of the most stable joints in the body.
  5. Your ankle moves in all 3 planes, however the majority is in the sagittal plane.
  6. Your ankle should have about 45 degrees of motion.
  7. Ankle injuries are the 3rd most common problem treated at WeTreatFeet

So let’s do a quick primer on ankle injuries:

ankle replacement surgery near you

ankle fracture
Surgically repaired ankle fracture

surgically repaired ankle fracture osteochondral lesions injury ankle ligament tear sprained ankle ligament tear

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We treat feet podiatry has been proud to serve the Maryland area’s Foot & Ankle needs for over 15 years! From bunions to twisted ankles to diabetic wound care and everything in between.

Our experienced team is dedicated to get you back on feet again!