US Surgeon General Addresses the APMA

United States Surgeon General Regina Benjanmin, MD, MBA congratulated the American Podiatric Medical Association on it’s 100 years of advancing podiatric medicine at the 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting (also know as The National).

She lauded the APMA and the work it’s members do on a daily basis stating, “[The role] today’s podiatrists [play] in the diabetic management team is a vital step to preventing amputation”

The Surgeon General has put an emphasis on encouraging lifestyles of sickness and disease to ones of wellness and prevention and thus continued by saying, “Podiatric care must continue to advance.  You not only save lives, limbs, and health-care dollars, you also preserve dignity and quality of life.”

Dr. Benjamin closed with an interesting story of a young woman who say a man on the beach early in the morning throwing starfish back into the ocean.  When the woman asked the man why he was returning the starfish, one by one, to the water even though he would never be able to save them all as the sun rose, the man responded by picking up a single starfish and saying, “It makes a difference for this starfish”.

“I commend you for the important health-care services you provide everyday,” Dr. Benjamin concluded, “Learn all you can at The National, then go home and find your starfish.”

To view a video of Dr. Benjamin’s speech, you can visit www.c-span.org/events/surgeon-general-speaks-to-podiatric-association/10737433170.

If you have any other questions or wish to schedule an appointment, contact We Treat Feet Podiatry by clicking here to view our various locations and phone numbers!

We Treat Feet! That’s what we do. From the simplest nail problems, to the most complex foot deformities, we provide exceptional care in a kind and compassionate manner. We offer board certified physicians that have spent years learning the intricate structures and functions of the human foot and ankle. No knees or elbows here, only the best foot and ankle care available in Maryland.

From heel pain, bunions, Sports medicine injuries, broken bones, neuromas, hammertoes, and flatfeet to Achilles tendon problems, we have the most modern technology available to help you, including digital x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, and vascular testing equipment.

Our physician team offers treatments for people of all ages, from infants to seniors. No foot is too big, no problem is too big, because remember, We Treat Feet!

You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

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Why Wait Longer? Get In, Get Out, Get Healthy at WeTreatFeet Podiatry

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We treat feet podiatry has been proud to serve the Maryland area’s Foot & Ankle needs for over 15 years! From bunions to twisted ankles to diabetic wound care and everything in between.

Our experienced team is dedicated to get you back on feet again!